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Review on Bolivarcoin by LUIS RIVERO R

Revainrating 4 out of 5

Bolivarcoin is a Venezuelan cryptocurrency that arises as a result of the…

Bolivarcoin is a Venezuelan cryptocurrency that arises as a result of the crisis that this country is experiencing, since it is difficult to access international markets since there is no currency and now more than ever this type of cryptocurrencies are supported by people who make life in That country of Latin America. However, there is not much information about the project even on its official website, it is simply another cryptocurrency on the market.

Updated 5 years ago
Rating changed from 1 to 2
Volume of transactions and market capitalization, this asset is not available in any large exchange.
  wallet compatible with Android, really easy to use visually is very close to coinomi.
The most outstanding thing at this moment is that it has a very active community that supports this project and its use.

Updated 4 years ago
Rating changed from 1 to 4
Improved website.
Now it is easier to know information and connect with this project, the truth is now your website is much easier to use.
-This is a decentralized cryptocurrency, perfect for making p2p payments since its fees are low.
-All information about your code is duly updated.
-Now your mobile wallet supports other assets and not just BOLI.
In general, this is a small cryptocurrency that has been in the market for a long time, with a community that supports them. The code used to create this coin was Dash, its usefulness is duly justified, although its main problem is that it depends 100% on its community since it is its main support.

  • Quick transactions Totally unsettled Since its genesis was 0 coins, without ico or airdrops. Distribution by mining. It seeks to solve the problem of the inflation of the country and that people can buy and save this crypto. Solve a real problem
  • Unprofessional website. Lacks official information, development path. Different threads of comment sites on cryptocurrencies where they have official accounts, place the project with basic information and lacking in fundamentals. Unawareness of the development team.

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August 20, 2020
This is we review. Our reviews help companies or products who are willing to do the needful sit up and provide better services. Bolivarcoin started from the lowest of ratings and gradually improved their service. The voices of reviewers is being heard. We are having a say. Well presented and well tracked review. I’m sure Bolivarcoin will keep up the good work to improve. 👍 well done job

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