BuySell is a Cryptocurrency Platform that came into existence in 2018. It's a unique and interesting Platform that has interest of animals in mind and decided to designed BuySell in a way that will appeal to nature. It target to collaborate with organizations and companies like haritable Foundations, Reserves and Shelters for Homeless Animals in other to be the investors that will invest in BULL.
BULL is MN and POS coin that can be generated through mining. It has BlockTime of 90seconds, Coin Maturity of 60 Block. It has wallet where it can be stored and transfer which is available on windows, Mac OS, and Linux platform
BuySell price today is $1•37 with 24 hours trading volume of $58,170•93. It price down to 0•03% in the last 24 hours. It has total supply of 100 millions BULL and was listed on 2 Exchange platform with number 3946 Rank on cryptocurrency