Although I have focused on cryptocurrencies and the blockchain industry recently, engineering innovations continue to attract my attention. Many of my close mechanical engineers work in the automotive industry. The basis of his work is based on data, just like in other engineering branches. New decisions are made in the light of the data they collect as part of their test drives and service checks. These decisions form the basis of innovation in the industry.
As stated on the Dovu website and in its 25-page manifesto, the most valuable asset of the twenty-first century focuses on data.
Today, many electronic devices, including our smartphones, are interacting with each other, and with the development of the Internet of Things in the coming years, we will enter a period in which smart machines will guide us, not our machines. However, the efficiency in sharing these data is still very low.
Fortunately, thanks to Blockchain, we will now be able to make money with our own data. Dovu aims to fill the tank of your car with the data you share while driving your car with the system it wants to bring. In other words, while the automotive industry gets rid of a huge burden, users will be able to use the tokens they obtain with the data they share for travel and transportation purposes.
While the idea led by Dovu is great, there is still a long way to go before it fulfills expectations. With this system, we can witness a new revolution in the automotive industry, but we need technical improvements and growth in the application areas of the coin.