Fox Trading aims to develop and make more efficient all applications, cryptocurrencies and trading transactions working on blockchain technology.
Fox Trading offers you the best trading transactions thanks to its automated trading bots (intuitive artificial intelligence).
Signal providers working on Fox Trading are completely free. They do not charge you any fees or commissions.
Two of my favorite features of the Fox Trading project are;
1) Trading signals: By allowing a broker you rent your money to him. The broker gets a certain percentage of all the trades it makes. All your remaining money is left to you (Principal + profit).
2) Automated trading: leaves your money to bots, allowing them to trade on the criteria you set for you. Thus, you will be least affected by price fluctuations. These boots maximize your profits. Thus, your income increases. You can trade with binary options bot and forex bots.
As a result; The Fox Trading project is an automatic tool to use blockchain technology in the most useful way.