Freyrchain (FREC): is a project that allows the intelligent safeguarding of cultural content, based on the area of blockchain services, as a channel of information allows free access to a lot of exclusive content for lovers of culture, its ecosystem is based on intelligent visualization services and property safeguarding through protocols that are developed in its service platforms, which offers a viable market process, its platform allows an easy way to learn about culture, works of arts and arts in general from anywhere in the world, it is an international project, its currency is used as a means of direct payment for its visualization services, the subscription is not high, it is a currency which can be obtained in several commercial houses, it is easy to exchange, it is a project that was developed for a specific group of people but it is of free and general use, it is considered a decentralized project that contributes strongly to the community, its market intelligence allows a stable level of transactions, it is a currency that registers an average speed of operations, It has small protocols that verify the authenticity of the products and works published by its project, thus ensuring at all times, that what you see is something original and real, one of its strongest features is that it is an open source project that has a strong commercial ideal, with a large database and is managed at high speeds.