It is proud that software and hardware acceleration coordinates that are designed specifically in conjunction with each other, their transaction speeds START at 1 million TPS. This is not their max, it is their starting speed. For example Neo currently boasts 1000 TPS, but claims it can go up to 10,000 TPS if needed. I think it’s a solid project, it is better in the following areas:
It's not just software, it's hardware. Future Scalability is a lot easier for it because hardware advancement software is faster than progress, meaning in future, It is likely more scalable that EOS. It's like pushing yourself to get a few million transactions in EOS, but it will just keep getting faster over time when either its software or hardware has a new version, because progress on either sides adds exponentially on the overall speed.It is compatible with both Ethereum and Neo virtual machine. It is the first project to be implemented on the NEO virtual machine. So this is not a serious rivalry due to the unusual speed of the platform, it is already a partner for NEO and a serious potential partner for Ether.It aims to understand the performance extension of the distributed app. The position as an easy to use platform associated with industry depth to meet real business needs.