Litecoin Cash is a folk of Litecoin , it was created out of it's founders love for Litecoin and his dedication towards making it more better than Litecoin. A better comparison between Litecoin and Litecoin Cash is Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash. Litecoin Cash was founded in 2017,it was created to make transaction cheaper than it is with Litecoin and transaction are even more faster using Litecoin Cash and so in a nutshell the coin was created to solve the problems associated with Litecoin and it's even improving on some of the good features of Litecoin. Litecoin Cash can be mined with a simple computer, you don't need to have any sophisticated hardware to mine the coin and it also uses a new mining system known as hybrid mining which allows you mining without any initial staking. Litecoin Cash can be stored on both hot & cold wallets, but if are looking for a secured and less expensive wallet the Coinimi wallet should be a better option for you. You are buy or sell your Litecoin Cash on few virtual exchanges like HITBTC,SouthXchange,Exrates and some other exchanges. The project looks like one that might become successful soon.