NEM (XEM) is based on an innovative project for business and blockchain solutions, it has developed a whole ecosystem that involves a set of platforms that are stable, secure and involve users, developers and companies, providing good access tools for developers, allowing them to create and even innovate, opening the possibility to make investments, connect businesses and even build brands within the community, ensuring reliable and optimal business services. NEM (XEM), has its own development platform, which integrates algorithmic technologies for users to join and work within the network, providing stability, extensive security, fast transactions, good encryption through the execution of nodes, and allowing to generate income in NEM (XEM) funds for participation in the ecosystem. NEM (XEM), is a token that has good scalability, allows trading within the entire ecosystem, fast transactions, trading on popular decentralized exchanges, being a useful token as a means of payment, to qualify for incentives within the ecosystem and being a token for investment. This project has achieved solid partnerships with multiple companies, allowing to receive support, grow the ecosystem, opt for a good development of its technology platform and open the field of decentralized trading on the NEM platform.