since the development of this token it has not bring a change in the cryptocurrency community or added value to user's trading currenencys. It is not listed on any exchange, and it has a bad review and has been proven that the project has been of no use to customers. This project has been developing issues and has been on a less understanding condition, it provides no information about the project as it's social media accounts has gone into extinction
It is advisable to stay off the project, if you read Manny review about this project, it will increase your level of understanding to know the basics and the risk if using this platform. It currently looks abandoned and has no feature for the upcoming generations who will is cryptocurrency to make a change in the economic system of their lives or country
Most people might still fall under the trap of using this project, i will advise that the reviews of this project should be shered in different platforms to give information to people who are not in the revain community but still using cryptocurrency