It has working technology backed by top class partnerships and an experienced team. It's mission to focus on helping smaller countries that get the short end of international transfers, namely countries in the Pacific Islands, appears to be a worthy endeavour that brings real-world solutions to those in need. Although XLM shares many similarities with Ripple, it has enough significant points of difference to fill a particular niche in the market without losing to its competitor.
It is a unique technology that provides the ability to instantly exchange crypto assets and avoid losing money on commissions. Many corporations all over the world are already using Stellar technology, and are actively investing in the development of the project.
The probability for practical application of this cryptocurrency are constantly expanding. It will be integrated into the organization of the African messenger Vumi, to allow payments in some countries of the continent.
Probably, with every new main investor and every contract, the demand for XLM will grow. Consequently, the price of the coin will rise, as well.