Tezos is a cutting-edge platform for smart contracts that has a formally verifiable code as well as a kind of integrated self-administration. It empowers token holders to make choices about how their system will develop in the future. Once the choice has been approved, the platform will immediately push the new version of the software out to the network. Because Tezos has a unique modular architecture with distinct layers, updating the protocol is straightforward and does not need any special procedures or a hard fork. It supports smart contracts and uses the DPos consensus algorithm as its consensus algorithm.
It is a cryptocurrency that is subject to volatility. The overall quantity of blocks increases as a result of block incentives given out to Bakers. The maximum rate of inflation is five percent each year. As long as the block rewards remain the same, the distension rate will gradually decrease over time. The lower the number of holders that stake or delegate, the greater the rate of return you will get. When it comes to the Tezos project, the majority of your time is spent up front, downloading the wallet, purchasing the token, and setting up delegation. Following that, you will be able to make money with minimal effort.