The global supply chain is in a big trouble. We have seen problems about counterfeits and mislabeled goods for a long time, but there didn't seem to have any solution. We have seen fake milk, fake meat, fake high-end watches, fake car manufacturing materials, mislabeled bottles of wine and other drinks. This problem is not new, it has been happening ever since.
VeChain is a product that was made to solve this problem, with the adaptation of blockchain technology along with the Internet of Things (IoT). VeChain allows customers to know the information of products in the supermarket. The project collaborates with good producers to attach a QR code or barcode to a good or its package, then the producer will scan the code and input the information about the products into VeChain's blockchain. By using blockchain, all the data stored in the VeChain ecosystem cannot be manipulated by any person.