This is another "unsupported" shortening service (no one actually supports this). What this means is that if something goes wrong with their servers, your link may not work. If you're lucky you'll receive a message from them letting you know that they're working on it, but you'll never know when that happens because they don't offer any sort of email notification. When you finally get your shortened link back, it might be shorter than your original, which is always nice. But since they don't allow you to use your own domain, you can't point it anywhere specific. So it's kind of useless unless you're using it for a generic page that doesn't require linking to a specific location. But even then, the shortened link would probably lose information because they don't have any kind of way to maintain your page's structure, and the whole thing could disappear altogether. And if you try to change the link after they shorten it, you won't be able to because it won't be valid anymore.