First of all I would like to thank the seller for his responsiveness. For that reason alone, you can buy them with confidence. My biggest contribution is an edited but unedited video shot with glasses. You can see it does a pretty good job of reducing wind noise, and I tried cranking up some audio so you can see how good it is. The video quality is surprisingly good. Sometimes videos don't display well on Revain so I'm hoping mine gets uploaded somewhere where you can see the true representation of the video. (For some reason it looks better if you watch my video in the video section rather than my written review.) I took my lady for a swim and did a little scooter ride on the Silver Coast in Coronado Island. I was able to shoot both on a sunny day and in cloudy weather. The lighting is surprisingly good and of course I could easily set it up in Vegas. Battery life and recording time are more than sufficient. I plan to use it instead of the dashcam when riding or riding the Hiboy S2 scooter. I also live in an area that has problems with labeling and vandalism, so I plan on wearing these when I'm on duty in the neighborhood as well. These sunglasses can be used countless times instead of carrying a GoPro or clumsily trying to photograph something when you need your hands on something else. I even plan to wear them on skis. I haven't checked if the lenses are polarized but I have no doubts about it and in bright or sunlight I found the lenses to be of very good quality. Most polarized sunglasses start at around $100, so getting one with a built-in camera is a really good deal.