This product broke after I used it 4 times in 2 weeks of actual use. Unfortunately this was outside of the 30 day window for a refund (which I requested directly from the seller anyway) as my pendant was late. Each end has a threaded bolt welded to the center to allow the pad to expand and contract. Weld failed. It looks like the weld itself is contaminated as you can see from the surface rust as it was not exposed to water after it failed. Also, I didn't really like the operation. It looked amazing on the video but once you wedged it properly between the hoops in the center I found I could only get 1 ratchet click and it was no longer a fast activity. Ratchet handle hit the tires. If you then put it on the edge, it's not that stable. Maybe my tires are closer together, I don't know. Tried to upload an image of a failed weld five times, but kept getting a file processing error.