I purchased this bit to test quality for a butcher block countertop project where I needed to cut eight 1/2 inch deep screw detents at an angle to the inside corner . Wood is American Black Cherry (Yanke Rating 950). For each half of the dogbone (essentially a "T"), I made a 1/4" deep pass, allowed the bit to cool, and then made a final 1/4" deep pass. After the first half of the router the yellow friction lining on the bit was torn off The bit cut well through the first fixed bit but by the second bit it was dull and the wood was smoking By the time I got to the eighth dongbon the bit was roasted forcing me to really enjoy it in a puff of smoke through wood. I'm surprised the bit didn't come loose. It was a special project. I don't plan on doing it again. So I decided to test this brand as the cuts to work with not visible on medium wood as the cuts are not visible when working with medium wood but at anything over 600 jank it won't last long may not think about how this lure works with hardstone or hickory bottom line: waste yours Not money, even if you're working with softer wood For a few extra dollars you can You can buy a Whiteside or Freud bit, which will last longer and cut better.