This prestigious and ambitious private equity company located in New York, since 2012 has been carrying out a titanic management by offering strategic and capital support to many growing companies. As if that were not enough, it currently manages more than 3 billion dollars. Its business model or plan basically consists of making its companies grow and prosper and therefore grow with them, that is why it is focused on providing support to potential growing companies in various strategic sectors such as software, IT services for the health care, financial technology, among others. Bregal Sagemount is part of Bregal Investments, and their mission is to transform, innovate and grow businesses to ensure their future success. News and testimonials from their workers affirm that thanks to the support provided by Bregal Sagemount, companies have almost fully achieved their growth targets, this due to the implementation of Predictable Income as an effective outbound sales practice. Another aspect that strikes me about this company is that they provide a flexible approach and work hard to meet the needs of clients or partners regardless of capital structure.