I ordered two of these wrench holders on Thursday for Saturday delivery (two were finished from a previous purchase not from this seller), paid an additional fee for them (I'm one of the main contributors). The seller didn't ship my package on time, so I received it on Monday afternoon, not Saturday. Waste of money on the shipping cost for this seller as they just steal the money and ship regularly anyway. Other reviews are correct, these holders may be too small for your keys. I have four sets, 2 snapons, a set of gear wrenches and a set of service wrenches, they are all 1/4 to 1 inch except for the service wrenches which are 1 to 2 inches. Snap-on sets fit with no problems. (Combination and 30/60 degree set) However for the set of prong keys the holder had to be enlarged to fit the set and the same has to be done with about 6 slots to accommodate all service keys. The bases are magnetic, but if you roll your toolbox down the line of flight, the tarmac will move the holders inside the box unless a liner is used. If you prefer magnetic holders these will work if you are willing to maybe adjust and cut out the drawer liner. to keep the key holders in place. Buy from another seller or choose free shipping.