A very good option at a very reasonable price. For a country house - that's it. Listen, don't whine. Pros: When choosing acoustics, I first listened to Canton and KEF. Real connoisseurs will probably condemn me, but I didn’t have enough brightness of sound at the edges of the frequency range, moreover, in different genres. The seller put them - and I immediately realized that this is what you need. The edges of the frequency range are raised, but the middle does not interfere. And then I also found out that they are one and a half times cheaper than Cantons and Kefas . I use it with Denon800, I turn off the tone block on it and turn on the analog path. Very high quality sound at low volume levels. I did not find any defects in the assembly / finish. Some cons: I started listening on soft feet. On the bottoms (100-200 Hz) there was a slight resonance of the room - a rumble, a buzz. Put spikes - it became much better. At a volume of 12-13 hours, noticeable distortion appears. Until I realized that it was an amplifier or speakers. But this volume is very high even for my room of 30 sq. M. The volume at 9-10 o'clock is above the roof, even on the first floor (speakers on the second) of a country house everything is perfectly audible.