After AGAIN leaking the original canister/paper filter element at the gasket on a 1962 Chevy C30 I decided to order this kit. If you have an older car with a chunky metal body and a separate piece of paper, YOU NEED this conversion kit. Installation was easy and took about 30 minutes, most of the time was spent lifting the old truck up and securing it on stands (they don't make these anymore, that truck is steel and whatnot!). BE SURE to remove the old thin gasket from the recess on the block before installing the adapter and its gasket. I found an old gasket stuck in it and had to pry it out with a hook; that was probably one of the reasons why there was a leak at the last oil change with a standard filter. This adapter turned a messy 30 minute oil and filter change into a relatively clean and simple process with an easily accessible cartridge filter (I used to have to order an old paper element because nobody stocked them).