so I wouldn't hesitate to take it with me when travelling. Inside are three USB ports for convenient device charging, as well as a pair of MC-4 connectors that come in handy for other things like battery charging. On a sunny (cloudless) California day (June 23, three days after the solstice) at 1:00 PM, when the sun was directly overhead, I couldn't measure any power near the 60 watts advertised by this unit. I made some measurements with this solar panel connected to a battery pack. When plugged in, the voltage starts out at around 15.5-15.9V, but drops off quickly, stabilizing at around 13.2V. The current stays roughly constant at around 2.9A. That's around 38W, which only 64% of the stated 60 W power. I note that in the previous iteration of this review I was able to measure 28W in the morning before the sun was overhead. So it seems that even with less than ideal solar conditions, a decent amount of electricity can still be generated.