Before I linked it to the almost 7-square-meter bath, it had previously been connected to the Fresh system, but I took it with me when I moved. He didn't start drawing good right away and put in a lot of practice. After I was certain that there was no more moisture in the restroom, I turned it off. As a consequence of this, I have two of these, one in an apartment and one in a house (in the guest bathroom), both of which are locations where the noise level is crucial in addition to the hood. assuming that everything is in order. Let's find out how long it lasts, shall we? If not for a long time, then I will pay a premium for a well-established brand. There is a model in the line that can be purchased from either Soler or Blauberg; the only difference is that it costs 1,500 dollars. The specifications remain the same, despite the fact that it appears to be more frugal. In particular, this model is attractive, reasonably priced, effective in absorbing odors, drains, and is quiet (though not silent, let's be honest about that).