At first glance this is a great product. Finally something sturdy to protect the front of my car! The case came in a used box, but the case itself was brand new. It wasn't easy to install, but I wasn't expecting it as it has to be very snug along all the contours. Unfortunately, a separate part for the hood proved to be problematic. It could never get tight enough to keep the top from surging past 65 mph. Even after adjusting the straps several times, they just didn't tighten enough to avoid popping. After two weeks in the car, minor changes in temperature and tightening several times (and it was fitted correctly), one of the small plastic clips simply broke into three pieces when the belt was pulled again. So now the hood part is off and will most likely stay, unless I can find metal clips that do the same thing only last more than a couple of weeks. Even if I replace the broken clip, it's doubtful that a single part of the hood will stop popping.
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