Junk. Stopped working after 3 months of very infrequent use. The piston ring has cracked and the nailer head has jammed. When I disassembled it, the piston O-ring cracked and broke. Many previous reviews have said the nailer won't break in which happened to mine. I will not pay to send it in to DeWalt for repair due to an apparent defect; and which the manufacturer is obviously aware of due to the large number of such complaints. Unfortunately, DeWalt refuses to stand by its claim of reliability and customer satisfaction. Going forward, DeWalt will not be my first choice for tools and I will think twice even if it is my only choice. When I tried to contact support the first three times I was on hold for over 45 minutes before hanging up. Last time I left my number to be called without losing my place in the queue. Two hours later I got a call back. UPDATE: The second one met the same fate as the other one I bought a month apart. When I took it apart I found the same damage as the first one. I contacted DeWalt again but received the same indifferent response. Won't be buying DeWalt again.