The most impressive thing about this system was how well it integrated with third party applications like XScheduling or myEthernet (client only). It had many features I didn't know were lacking in other programs but could be added at an additional price point (like allowing notes entry/editing from multiple providers.) We no longer use OptiSpat because they dropped several clients after acquisition leaving us stranded without benefits options. They moved some employees into leadership positions causing morale problems within their own organization so if you are looking elsewhere there might not even still have any openings available! Their product seems more expensive than its worth compared what your getting out return on investment. Providing treatment plans; providing accessible electronic medical records across various locations including home visits. I love how easy it was just set up my account online then upload clients files from their therapist or myself once i have them done with treatment! The interface could be improved but overall its pretty good at what they do!! It's very helpful in keeping track if your not home every day like me so you know exactly who worked when etc...