greetings to everyone on this platform the company i will be giving my review on is called the curated by in company, after going through rigorous and thorough research i was able to find out about the operations of the company and what they do, which i will be sharing below. 1. the curated by in is a global beauty company, which i was able to access by logging into the website of the company through Their web address, the curated by in company has a working online retail store inside the website, which is working fine and properly without any security concerns or issues of any kind. the curated by in company is located or based in new York, united States of america which is where it head office and headquarters is located, but they have another branch based in the Philippines. 2. the curated by in company specializes in the production and manufacturing of beauty machines or devices, the company is one of a kind because they are few people who venture into the tech world in relation to beauty accessories and products. the curated by in manufacture devices like the body cleanser machine, the laser machine and a lot more which objective is to make you look beautiful with technology. the company products are quite expensive, but it is worth every penny you will pay for it because they are quality devices which will Last long. the company products can also be customized to suit your specifications.