We have a St. Bernard mix with very long white hair that I swear he sheds more than he can grow. I've noticed that the hair is being sucked toward the AC return air vent, so I looked for filters for that. Pretty hard to find actually, but I stumbled across this product. It is very easy to install. I simply cut out two pieces that fit under the vent cover, attached velcro to the vent cover, and then attached the filter pieces to the velcro. Plugged in again and done. I tested it this morning and was able to vacuum the dog hair right out of the vent. This prevents it from being included in our system. We use good anti-allergic filters in our system and change them regularly due to the furball, but I think this just adds another layer of protection.
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Filter under the sink Aquaphor Favorit ECO silver
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NANPU 3/8" NPT Compressed Air Filter Regulator Combo Piggyback, 5 Micron Brass Element, Poly Bowl, Semi-Auto Drain, Metal Bracket, 0-150 Psi Gauge
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