I received this antenna this afternoon and decided to test it. After the poor performance of my last antenna, I didn't have much hope. The structure was the same as for all mast antennas, so nothing special. Aiming was pretty easy with the signal meter on my 4G modem. As far as performance goes, this part is amazing! Once we found our cell tower and positioned it correctly, the results were as follows: Signal strength: Built-in antennas: -113dBm This external antenna: -91dBm This is the area where all cellphone cards show no signal. Speed Test: Built-in Antennas: 1-3Mbps Down/0.3Mbps Up. This external antenna: 40 Mbit/s down/17 Mbit/s up Of course I am very satisfied with the results and I regret not having bought an external antenna sooner. If anything changes (antenna failure or weather damage) I will update this review, but as it stands a 5 star antenna. Speed Tests:
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