Received 2 days ago and applied this morning. Installation wasn't too bad, I smeared them and the springs with WD40 and put one end in the spring and then just kept feeding until the whole bumper was stuck in the spring. I decided to try without tying it with zip ties but it didn't work. Pulled out of the driveway, then checked, and one jumped out. Upon inspection I found that the bumper was too low and when the spring bent the inside of the bumper touched the underside of the frame holding the spring and it popped out. I put the spring bumper back in place and then lifted it up until it was in the middle of the spring. I then used a total of 4 zip ties (2 on each end, top and bottom) to attach it to the spring to reduce movement. I'm going on a trip, if there are any problems I'll report them here. As far as the handling is concerned, I can say that it has become a bit firmer, so please load the car in a few days for now, it will be a test.