This product does not come with instructions but if you have ever changed a strut before then this shouldn't be a problem. I ended up using a cutting wheel to remove the old airbag. This is a very shallow vertical cut down the length of the old airbag assembly. Maybe 1/16 inch deep. Don't forget to remove the cap and nut on top first. Once cut, it's easy to do. Pay attention to the order of the four loosening rubber seals. The assembly is very simple, rubber gaskets, then reassemble the airbag, tighten the nut and finally the cover. Finished. Use an impact wrench to remove the nut from the top. I'm sure the assembly can be removed without cutting, it's just that cutting was a lot quicker. I've driven about 2,000 km since the installation without any problems. The car is now smooth and drives great. Since I only changed the airbag, nothing was programmed for me.