Easy interface for new users; can be used by both experienced professionals as well those who are just getting into their first job in this industry! Can't think of anything at all that I dislike about it so far -- would highly recommend using if you're looking or an easy way/interface through which one could learn how things work within auto finance environment quickly (and not have too many "gotchas" along he road). We use APS primarily because we felt like there was no better option outthere when searching around what other options were available from various vendors across different industries such us retail banking etc.). I like that it's easy for my staff members who are not as computer savvy or techy people! It allows them access from any place they can get an internet connection. Sometimes things do crash but nothing majorly big enough where we have had issues. The customer service has been great so far too!! We've only used this product about 3 months now but everything seems fine at first glance. We're able to keep track of all our loans in one spot instead of having multiple spreadsheets out everywhere.