As a hereditary Hong Kong resident, I declare: The characters and plot are dull and poorly developed. Despite the fact that in my life I have read only a primer and a kolobok, and even then not completely - it still gives me the right to an expert opinion in the field of narrative design and script writing. - the gameplay is outdated. After all, from each new game (especially if it is a third-person action in a post-apoca-setting setting), I expect revelations in game design, a breakthrough and new, hitherto unseen unique gameplay mechanics and genius. - the widespread planting of microwave and ldbg agendas. In Hong Kong, this problem is particularly acute. Damn lesbians and blacks with rainbow flags don't let me get out of the entrance of Khrushchev, they bite my heels while I'm going to church! Also during the passage had to change orientation three times. - the price of the game is too high for RUSSIA. Ugly Russophobes from Sony brought down the exchange rate and forced to buy games for 5,000. - not released on PC. It's impossible to get the full gaming experience while hunched over in a stale office chair, looking out the 15" study window. - I donโt have a game (as well as a console, by the way), I watched half an hour of cutscenes on YouTube, but I know everything about it very well! Graphics - 8.3987 / 10 Sound - 6.875238 / 10 Plot - 0.269851/10 Innovation - 1.5897451 / 10