Although this cutter cuts quite cleanly, I have a serious problem with the manufacturer's description and the measurements given directly on the packaging. My goal was to achieve about 1/2" engagement distance between the side of the drawer and the front, which would allow for the addition of additional 1/4 pins for strength and looks. The 99-240 bit packaging gives 33/64 "as the engagement length, but that's just not true. As another reviewer noted, this bit only requires a fixed engagement of 3/8". Freud needs to understand his tools and sell his wares right. The best tuning instructions come from Lee Valley , where their drawer lock bit is set to only 1/4" engagement. Follow their instructions and replace 3/8 with 1/4 and you can use the Freud nozzle in appropriate places, e.g. B. in back-to-side joints when using a 1/2 thick workpiece.