I thought it would be nice to get a Wokesi 1/4" x 3-1/16" end mill to get my 80% down, instead of using the expensive 4" cutter that comes with my jig. My plan was to use this shorter and cheaper end mill for most of my routing work and then switch to a 4" end mill to finish the job ...but after just one cut this end mill dulled so visibly that when milling the second receiver the milling became noticeably slower and rougher and I was spending extra time on each pass.. So while these end mills are 1/3 to 1/4 the price of one costing a good quality long endmill I can use it quicker and therefore minimize if not completely eliminate any savings I would achieve.But hey, if 4 of these cheaper end mills cost as much as a quality end mill and they end up lasting just as long, I'm not going to put "all your eggs in one basket" when a quality end mill breaks or breaks. one of its end blades. I'll let you all know what you're getting.