Great helmet so far. I have worn it several times and it is much better than the last helmet I bought from Revain. Some materials seem a bit cheap. Only time will tell if they hold up. Street noise is a bit louder. Not a big deal as I still wear earplugs. However, it doesn't whine like my previous $40 helmet or my Scorpion when the visor is down. That's a huge plus as for me it was a major annoyance and a lot of praise for this helmet. The inner visor is good except for the fact that it rests on the bridge of the nose when fully down. Bad design flaw here. If they round it instead of cutting it straight it would be better. I can take a dremel or razor blade and make it more concave. I don't like giving five star reviews and would have given this helmet five stars if it weren't for a few very small details. I wouldn't give Shoei five stars anymore.
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