I already had a digital caliper from the store that is really accurate, but I was tired of constantly changing batteries because she ate them for breakfast. This caliper has some great features that made me want to replace my old one. First, the battery is a CR2032 lithium cell. These cells last a very long time and can be easily replaced without a screwdriver - this single feature is the main reason I decided to replace my old caliper with this one. My sample had one battery installed and came with an extra one in a sealed blister pack. Second, the display is large, easy to read, and has an extra number in inches. Third, it reads fractions of an inch, which is very useful - not all digital calipers do this. The caliper has all the usual features of this type of device - precision ground surfaces, inside and outside measuring jaws, depth stop, thumbwheel, locking screw, printed scale and a durable plastic protective case. It's quite heavy, but the action isn't as smooth as my old one. The accuracy is better than my old device, although in metric mode I had to zero more times than I would like. The printed scale is my least favorite aspect with 1mm markings in metric and only 1/2 inch in metric. Customs service. It doesn't matter if the battery works, but if it doesn't then the inch scale is pretty much useless. It would be trivial to add 1/10" marks like I did on my old caliper.