This system is great because everything in the application can be customized according to business needs, allowing flexibility through out all departments within a theme park! There really isn't anything that I dislike about this app other than not knowing how much time one should take when purchasing tickets which i assume are being purchased via their mobile app? You must have enough staff members available or it won’t work with just 1 person trying to purchase more than 10 different options at once. Having an easy way of tracking customer data, inventory information as well keeping all guests informed is very important and gatestmaster does exactly what we would like them too do without any hassle whatsoever!! The ability to customize tickets, print them out at home or in our office. It is easy to use and great for small businesses that need an inexpensive solution. It can be difficult to get help if you have questions about it. I would definitely recommend this product but keep your expectations high because of how simple it is to set up compared with other similar products on the market. We are able to easily create customized tickets to suit any event we host.