Scorpion Vision is a company with 15 years of experience in the automation market, which markets high performance machine vision equipment.
Scorpion Vision, promotes compact vision equipment to both companies and individuals, also advises its customers to ensure that they are sure what their real requirement is, to conclude with the sale of the equipment that best suits the customer's requirement.
Scorpion Vision has the technical and commercial support of Tordivel AS, a Norwegian company in the United Kingdom, which designs and distributes compact vision equipment.
Scorpion Vision distributes industrial safety cameras and optical lenses for quality control in manufacturing processes in the most important industries in the United Kingdom.
Scorpion Vision, has an excellent website, where all the equipment marketed by the company are very well classified, allows you to make your purchases online and you can pay from the page using the PayPal platform. Its Facebook link is also very complete, it is updated and provides you with a lot of information about Scorpion Vision and the equipment it sells.