I'm taking a welding class. One of the requirements was to bring a "hood" for use during training. There are ten students in the class, each with their own helmet. Some of the helmets are in the $200 price range. Of course they're painted and gloss enamelled, but they do the same thing as the helmet I bought for 25% of their price. In fact, in many cases my helmet is lighter than more expensive ones. When the helmet is removed and the welding started, all the beautiful patterns on more expensive helmets are irrelevant. you don't see her Because my helmet is lighter, it's more comfortable and allows me to work longer. The settings inside the helmet allow quick adjustment to the type of activity being performed: Mug, Tig, Stick or Grind. I have a small farm and sometimes I need to fix machines. The emphasis is on time. For the money I spent on this helmet it fits my needs and does the job well. If I were a professional welder I might have bought a more expensive helmet with artistic finishes.
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