I like how easy it is to use once you get used with all of its features! It's not very user friendly at first but after getting familiar everything becomes easier than using other programs out there (ie Epic).
The most helpful thing about medesyc was being able to create patient notes in one place instead having them scattered around my computer or phone - makes things so much faster when trying to do an intake interview/patient visit!! Also allows me access from anywhere as long as i have internet which can be nice sometimes if im away from home etc.. Sometimes takes longer then expected because they are still figuring some stuff out especially during COVID pandemic where we need this program even MORE. But overall great product- definitely would recommend over any others available right now out their! Electronic medical record system has helped us streamline our workflow by keeping track of data across multiple providers within same practice without needing paper records anymore.- Allowing quick turnaround times between provider visits while also allowing ease.