I connected this according to the instructions and there was not a single static electricity. Check all connections, change antenna orientation and so on. Nothing. I'm an electrical engineer so I opened this thing up to look inside. I checked that the amplifier itself was in the antenna housing (where it should be). The little thing between the antenna and the TV is just a power injector. I've traced enough of the circuitry to find and test the power rails in the antenna. and tensions were as expected. What was NOT as expected was the build quality: there was flux everywhere (I removed it) and a large solder joint down the center (as far as I could tell this was a crude attempt to correct or reinforce the mark). There was also a solder bridge which I also fixed. The board also arched up a lot because the RF connector was higher than the mounting posts. The circuit was mostly passive - just a TO-92 package, which was probably a voltage regulator, and a surface mount package (SOT). ) was it probably the gain stage? No markings to know for sure. The antenna itself was an aluminum loop in the housing and the 2 radial/reflectors can be seen on the product photos. At this point I gave up. I have a signal generator and I can borrow a spectrum analyzer, but it wasn't worth the hassle. It was clear that even if I found the root cause of the problem, this would never be the antenna/amplifier I needed for my landscape. I kept the details I could and reworked the rest.
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