It's usually unfortunate to spend money on a new A-brand, but it's a pig in a poke, so we decided to try, what kind of animal is this Viatti? For a very long time, they chose tires for the Chevrolet Niva. Popular bloggers traveled over half of the nation on their travels. ordered from a reputable online retailer during a sale that included free delivery and a coupon code for a 10% discount on winter tires. Arrived swiftly—in a single day—from Hong Kong to Kerch (where Business Lines staff attempted to charge me for delivery, but the matter was ultimately handled in my favor). We put it together on alloy wheels, precisely balanced 0-5 grams on the wheel, pumped 2.2 atmospheres, and then we started driving. The car lost all resemblance; it lost its ability to pull along a serpentine, suffered suspension failures, and experienced some tooth chattering (Bleed to 1.9). I'm happy with the decision I made.