Have ordered these before and have been more or less happy with the quality although not as strong like the earlier ones I bought in stores. I was ready to use them. But when I ordered them again, this time I received a completely different product. The bags were clear plastic, like sandwich bags. Some privacy would be nice. But the main problem was the fragility of the bags themselves. Thin, thin, thin. So thin that if you weren't careful enough to tear the perforations separating one pouch from the other, the pouch itself would start tearing, not even at the seam but right down the middle of the pouch and you would have to throw it away as useless and start over. Will probably throw away ALL unused bags and buy more. By far the worst product I have ever bought from Revain. I think 5 star reviews are not honest reviews but are meant to encourage people to spend their money on them. I'm just saying.
50-Pack 8β X 12β Mylar Bags With 300Cc Oxygen Absorbers And Heat Sealable Rounded Corners - Free Long-Term Food Storage Guide Included.
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Glad Press'N Seal Plastic Food Wrap - 70 Square Foot Roll (Package May Vary)
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150 Count Reli 33 Gallon Black Heavy Duty Drawstring Garbage Bags - Large 33 Gal
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60 Count Heavy Duty Compostable Trash Garbage Bags - 13-15 Gallon, 1.18Mils Thickness For Kitchen Garden Home
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Dunlop SP Sport Maxx 050 235/55 R17 103Y summer
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Vileda Ultramax set
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20 Foot High Reach Duster For Cleaning Kit With 5-12Ft Heavy Duty Extension Pole, Sturdy Extendable Microfiber Feather Duster, High Ceiling Fan Duster, Cobweb Dusters, Window Squeegee Cleaner Kits
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Portable Rechargeable Electric Spin Scrubber For Household Cleaning - Ideal For Bathroom, Kitchen, And Windows. Power Scrub Brush For Bathtubs, Sinks, Tiles, Grout, And Stove Cooker.
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