It is perhaps the most usually utilized payment method and, a truly helpful tool to send and receive money online. Regardless of where the other individual is found, you can move funds effortlessly. I truly like the platform bolsters a decent number of deposit methods.
Countless customers have lauded the profoundly competitive charges and exchange rates, its convenience, and the speed of funding. Of course, not many customers were baffled by the accommodation of KYC documentation.
I would like to share some personal experiences so that everyone is careful when using Skrill. When I first opened the Skrill account it could be used without any KYC, but when I deposit funds into my account it forces me to submit KYC documents, I could not transfer or withdraw any funds without KYC approval.
This is approved after my KYC document is rejected twice and I can use the account effectively, but the problem is when I do some small transactions with this account they block my account and I get some fines which are deducted from the balance in my account and refuse to unblock my account.
Now let's turn to their customer support as you can see in the photo I added that they have no live chat support and can only be contacted by email and phone. When I contact Skrill's support, they respond very quickly to emails. I have no complaints here. But they did not give any correct answer as to why my account was blocked.
One thing to be aware of is that it is legal to use an account for a person at Skrill, so be careful when submitting KYC documents. And first deposit a small amount of money because if for some reason your document is rejected, you can no longer withdraw it.
Speaking of their security framework, Skrill is very aware of the security of the customer's account, you can see in my add photo there are several security options including 2FA to keep your account secure.
Additionally, their money transfer fees are somewhat competitive, and transfers are very fast, there are several options for withdrawal, I use Skrill only for bank withdrawals, Skrill supports almost all banks in Bangladesh which is very convenient for me.
As I mentioned earlier some services are not supported in Bangladesh such as their Skrill prepaid cards and crypto transactions. Although I hope to get the services soon. Overall, I highly recommend it because Skrill is a reputable and long-standing online payment service provider that provides uninterrupted service.