These are Whiteside bits so the carbide quality and finish is excellent as I would expect from my many Whiteside bits. (I love their compression bits.). However, the bits in this set are not complete replacements for comparable Leigh bits. Whiteside bits do not have the same depth of cut as Leigh bits with the same cutting angle and diameter. For example, the Whiteside D8-437X8 in this set has a maximum depth of cut of 5/8 inch. The Leigh 80 bit it is designed to replace has a maximum depth of cut of 13/16. 3/16 less depth of cut can make a big difference. I discovered this difference after cutting the dowels into the sides of three 3/4 stock boxes. Whiteside's dovetail bit could not cut deep enough. I had to order another Li 80 bit. The product description does not indicate this important difference.