I had a hard time with the replacement clips getting the pads on properly - after that I tried replacing them on the first wheel only, I used the stock clips and had no problems. Because of this I thought about upgrading all my brake components including the stainless steel brake lines to improve the feel. Since my brake pads are worn out and I don't have much time to replace them, I only bought pads. Update: downgraded from 5 to 3. Pads only lasted 6,000 city miles and 1 year. (WRX 2017) Wow! Only the pads and my brakes no longer feel soft and slightly faded. My old front brake pads were only 50% worn when I replaced them and the rear brake pads kind of fell out. They were a bit bumpy for the first 60 miles but now they are awesome. Possibly the best pad I've ever had.