A small store near me charged me $10 for THREE BAGS! And that's after losing a much-needed day off looking for them in no fewer than 5 other stores. This is the last time I'll take a day off to buy expensive vacuum bags. I TAKE A DAY OFF TO CLEAN! I wish I was joking, but unfortunately I'm not. These bags are awesome, especially if you're dealing with ringworm. I'm not even joking. Who would have thought that airborne fungal spores could survive in heaters for a year? That they can only be eliminated by mechanical removal (vacuuming + wiping) and soaking in BLEACH? Now you know! These bags are better than Eureka bags, mostly because of the little glue tab at the top that seals pesky little bugs out of the way to the garbage chute. They also provide an extra layer of protection against germs. in addition to the HEPA filter. Since I will be vacuuming DAILY for at least 2 months, I appreciate the quality of the product and the reasonable price. I will order again. And again. And again.