I've been using this bag for my bike commute for a few months now. I usually carry a change of clothes to work, as well as lunch and water for the day, and this bag has plenty of room for all of that in the main compartment. I organize my cycling equipment in the outer pockets. Packing a bag is not as easy as it should be. I like that the anti-sway straps don't require the vertical brace to be in the right place, but it's a little awkward to reach between the post and the wheel to secure and tighten the strap. The top rail clips are also a little fiddly to use, but seem fairly secure. I'm not sure how important these clips are when the bag is evenly loaded, but it seems like they hold the bag in place even if the two sides are slightly unbalanced. I would have preferred to have a shoulder strap for carrying off the bike (another review seems to use slings to secure the cargo over this bag as carry straps); but the carrying handle is suitable for short distances. Overall I would recommend this bag for those who plan on leaving the bag on the bike most of the time due to its good value for money. For someone who installs and removes this bag twice a day, this is acceptable. I thought about buying a bag with a simpler attachment system like the pair of Ibera PakRat cases that are available at Revain for a bit more but decided it would be better to have external pockets and couldn't find a reasonably priced quick release case with external pockets (Shoulder). Off-bike risers are also hard to come by).
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