The ease in uploading images for analysis is very useful to see trends over time or even just how your face looks right now vs 2 weeks ago! Great way keep track if things are looking good/bad from week-to month etc.. not so great when you want someones opinion but cant seem find them without asking their permission first - which can often be difficult with personal info being shared online anyway :) would love more variety like BMI measurements available too (in addition weight loss) as well at least 1 skin test each year could do wonders!! I like that it is very easy to use and has great features. It also has many different options for you to choose from. The only thing I would say is that sometimes when I'm using it my computer gets slow. So be ready for that. If you are looking for a good tool to help with your health then this is the one! It helps me see what parts of my body need to improve in order to make myself healthier.