I bought a set of 3 cubes. All connected by wire to the local network. Configured to work in bridge mode. The settings are so simple that it took 15 minutes. BUT - the Huawei P30Pro phone clings to one cube at a frequency of 2.4 GHz, and to others at 5. The logic is completely incomprehensible. One laptop stands right next to the cube, but at the same time it clings to another, which is located through a thick concrete wall 15 meters away. Accordingly, the speed is below the "plinth" - 10-15Mb / s. Speeds of more than 100Mb / s can only be achieved if you stand next to the very first cube through which the Internet comes, which is very strange because they are all connected via Ethernet and are on the same local network. Addendum: I've been using it for over 9 months now. Installed in the country. Entrance Internet - optics about the provider. Complete disappointment. In the event of power outages, it is not a fact that all three cubes will start up normally. You have to engage in shamanism and dancing with a tambourine. Often they spontaneously reboot and generally drop out of the network.
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